R.O. or Water Softener

Hard water is a problem here in West Texas. The Darville Company offers a variety of solutions. Two of the most popular solutions that we offer are water softeners and reverse osmosis systems. Though they produce similar results, there are some differences between these two systems. In this post, we’ll explore the differences to see which one is right for you.


Reverse osmosis purifies your water, while water softeners soften your water. The R.O. process is basically an advanced filter. By running your water through a semipermeable membrane, reverse osmosis systems filter out contaminants and minerals. R.O. systems are typically installed for single-faucet use, most often underneath the kitchen sink. R.O. focuses mainly on improving the taste of water used for drinking and cooking.


So if R.O. takes the bad stuff out of your water, water softeners put the good stuff in. Water softeners actually add negatively-charged ions to the water. The ions attach themselves to the sodiums and potassiums that make the water hard. The ions breakdown the deposits, minimizing the effect they have on your water. Water softeners are usually installed on your water tank, so they will soften water throughout your home.


As you can see, R.O. and water softening systems are slightly different. The good news is that you can use both together to maximize the water quality in your home. Treating the water with a softener before it even gets to the reverse osmosis system will make the R.O. filter last even longer. Using both systems will provide the best-tasting water for drinking, while still providing soft water for bathing, which is also good for your pipes, faucets, and other water-based appliances.


Lucky for you, The Darville Company has state-of-the-art options for both reverse osmosis and water softeners. Call us at 432-580-9675 to make an appointment. The Darville Company is the higher standard!

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