home Christmas safety tips

3 Key Christmas Home Safety Tips

Here in West Texas, sometimes a long, warm summer can make the holidays kind of sneak up on you! Ready or not, we’ve made it past Thanksgiving, and Christmas is just around the corner. With that in mind, The Darville Company would like to take the opportunity to wish you happy holidays – but also to offer a few safety tips to make sure you and your family stay safe.


With colder weather on the way and the rising cost of electricity, starting a fire in the fireplace may be more appealing than ever. But before you light it up, it’s important to prepare yourself and your home. The most obvious precaution you should take is making sure to move furniture or other objects that could potentially catch fire away from the fireplace! This especially includes your Christmas Tree! Just a spark could be enough to get a fire going if it hit in the right spot!

Also, it’s important to know that whether you burn wood or have a gas chimney, carbon monoxide presents a possible hazard. A working CO detector in the same room as the fireplace should be enough of a warning in the event that CO raises to dangerous levels inside your home.


About once a year (sometimes more) it gets cold enough for long enough in Odessa and Midland to cause pipes to freeze. If this happens, and you’re not prepared, they could burst. If that happens you’ll have an expensive mess on your hands. The key is making sure any exterior piping is properly protected. Exposed pipes in your home (like under the sink) should always be wrapped to help keep them warm. This is an easy and inexpensive fix that can save you time and hassle in the long run.


We may not have as many trees in West Texas as in East Texas, but there are plenty in our neighborhoods, and they do lose their leaves in the fall. It may seem easy just to let the wind take care of them, but cleaning them up has benefits beyond just cosmetic. Loose leaves or other debris around your exterior HVAC condenser can cause it to overheat or lose efficiency. Enough leaves could even cause a heat pump to break down! Make sure to clean up the leaves in that area, as well as elsewhere around the exterior of your home.


The most important tip for avoiding disaster this holiday season? If you have a problem, let us know! The Darville Company has certified technicians for all your HVAC and plumbing needs all year long. You can even ask about our Clean and Test where we make sure your entire system is ready for winter! Make an appointment online, or call today at (432) 580-9675. The Darville Company is the Higher Standard in Home Comfort.

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