Washable vs Disposable Air Filters

One of the most commonly neglected maintenance items in your home is your air filter. These are simple to change out or clean and should be done an absolute minimum of once every six months. A clogged air filter leads to dirty air, low efficiency, and will make your entire HVAC unit work harder than it needs to in order to keep you comfortable. Ok, so you know you need to change or clean the filter, but which filter is right for your home? Some filters must be replaced while others can simply be cleaned. In this post, we’ll do a side-by-side comparison to help you decide which option is best for you.


Air filters can vary in their performance. A washable filter typically has a MERV rating of between 1 and 4. That means it will only catch large particles and things like soot. If you have a pet, the filter will not be able to eliminate pet dander. Other bacteria and viruses, as well as smoke, will not be effectively filtered out.

On the other hand, the MERV rating on disposable filters can be much higher, going as high as 16. That can help eliminate the tiniest particles in your air, including dust, pet dander, bacteria, viruses, and other allergens.


Washable filters need to be cleaned once a month. Once you’ve rinsed them, they should be completely dry before they are put back in place. A wet filter could result in mold or fungus forming then spreading throughout your home. Gross!

Disposable filters are just that – disposable. You throw out the old one and replace it with a new one.


Here’s where things get a little tricky. Washable filters can last several years, but cost about $100 each.

Disposable filters cost about $15 each but need to be changed regularly.


These simple comparisons can help you decide if a washable or disposable air filter is right for you. The HVAC experts at Darville can help! We can help you decide what’s best, replace your filters, and give your HVAC a full check. Call us at 432-580-9675 to schedule an appointment. Darville is the Higher Standard!

6 Reasons To Find Your Ideal Sleep Temperature

Summertime in Odessa. It’s hot and dry during the day, but it’s seemingly just as hot at night. When overnight lows are in the 70s, you’re probably in for a night of tossing and turning – unless you have your air conditioning precisely tuned to the right temperature. In this post, we’ll take a look at how you can find that perfect sleep temperature. The one where you’re able to get a good night’s rest without spending a fortune on your electricity costs.


If you aren’t getting enough sleep, or enough good sleep, there could be several potential issues. Too much caffeine or stress, or even a sugar or carb high can lead to poor sleep. But so can the wrong temperature. Ideally, your bedroom temperature should be between 60 and 67 degrees. Cooling down at the end of the day (which happens naturally outside) signals to your body that it’s time for bed.


Keeping a comfortable temperature and getting lots of sleep is good for your overall health and quality of life for a variety of reasons:

  • Insomnia: No one wants to be awake all night then tired all day, but that’s what happens when you can’t fall asleep. A cooler room will ease your body temperature down, making it easier to fall asleep.
  • Melatonin: Melatonin is a hormone released when your body wants to go to sleep. It also helps fight cancer, heart disease, and other ailments as we age. Studies show a cooler room helps your body produce more melatonin.
  • Metabolism: A cooler room will help increase your metabolism (the rate at which your body digests food). This can actually help you lose weight! It’s also been shown that sleeping in a cooler room will help you burn fat during the day.
  • Diabetes: Following up on our last point, losing weight is a great idea for those who suffer from type 2 diabetes. Losing weight is hard, but any little thing can help. While metabolism helps burn fat, it also helps you maintain “good fat” that’s important for your health.
  • Productivity: You need energy for your workday and a good night’s sleep will help! You can forget the need to nap during the day if a properly cooled room helps you sleep at night. You’ll fall asleep faster, enjoy deeper sleep, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling refreshed.
  • Stress/Depression: Stress and depression can lead to poor sleep, and poor sleep can lead to stress and depression. As the saying goes, “It’s a very vicious cycle”. Avoid it by finding your ideal sleep temperature.


Remember, the best range is typically between 60 and 67 degrees. Use that as a starting point, then see how well you sleep each night. You might start at 67 for a couple of nights and record how well you slept each night. Eventually, you’ll find your ideal temperature.


At The Darville Company, we offer a variety of HVAC products to help you find that perfect temperature. State of the art thermostats will even let you set the temp on your phone. To make an appointment with one of our experts, call us today at 432-580-9675. The Darville Company is the Higher Standard.